Your photos related to our time together at Red Bank. Past reunion photos are perfect. Please
provide names and the date of the photo if you can.

In the fall of 1959, Ted Ledford and I formed a R'nR group called The Squires. Our first gig was Mrs.
Cabalero's home room Christmas party in Dec of 1959. From that, we eventually did very well and by 1961 had recorded
two records and were playing regularly around Chattanooga.
We had this promo photo made at a photo studio on Dayton Blvd in White Oak. It has been "lost" for
the past 45 years but thanks to Butch Thomas' mother was discovered this week in a frame behind another photo.
Left to right, Larry Blanks, Allen Lutes, Jimmy Harris, Butch Thomas, Don Jackson.

Red Bank Wrestling Team 1960 |
Courtesy of Larry Champion (Click to enlarge) |
Red Bank Lions Football (Click to Enlarge) |
(L-R) Wayne Tipps, Jimmy Allison, Mike Phillips, Hans Bingham, Ray Buchanan, Doug Hines, Butch Drew |
Wayne Tipps, End; Jim Allison, Tackle; Mike Phillips, C-Captain, Guard; Hans Bingham, Center; Ray Buchanan,
Guard; Doug Hines, Tackle; Butch Drew, End.
(Photo courtesy of Jim Allison, Thanks Jim!)
Band Trip, 1958 |

Click on the photo to enlarge |
Okay, so this one went thru the washer a long while back. Left to right, Billy Clements,
Phil Wilkerson, Creston York, Larry Blanks, Billy Tucker and Clyde Beard. I think it was a band trip for a football
game in Bradley County (???) and the bus stopped at a cafe on the way back. Date was probably the winter of 1958 but
film was processed in Feb 1959.
Around 1952 or 1953 Birthday Party |

Click on the Photo to Enlarge |
This was a birthday party around 1952 or 1953. Julie Beth Wright, Carole Rawles, Perry Lewis (Hixson
High), Billy Clements, Dick Garrett (also Hixson), Larry Blanks (birthday) and Richard Hindman.
(cute hats, huh !! )
By the way, I still have that Roy Rogers cap guns and holster set!
December 14th, 1962 |

Click on photo to enlarge |
Diane Morris and Larry Blanks wedding on December 14th, 1962. Left to right:
Billy Shelton; George (Peele) Byrd, Alan Lutes; Ted Ledford; Jimmy Harris; Larry.
All of us were member of The Squires at one time or another.
( Check out those ties!! )
Can you guess who these "young" people are??
Jim Batson

Click on photo to enlarge |
Shannon George & Claudia Greek

Click on photo to enlarge |
Judy Fussell

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Sheila Freeland

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Lynn Morelock

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John Semmer, Sheila Freeland in background

Click on photo to enlarge |