Many of our Classmates Proudly Served
in the Military After High School or College.
Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps or Coast
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Caissons Keep Rolling Along

United States Army |
Army 1965 - 1968 |

Captain Jerry Parker |
Army 1966 - 1968 |

Capt. George Far |
Army 1967 - 1971 |

1st Lt. Jim Batson (Holding his Weapon of Choice) |
Army Aviation 1963 - 2002 |

LtCol Larry Champion |
Wayne Turner |

Capt. George Farr
- 1966 - 1968
Capt. Jerry Parker -
1965 - 1968
1st Lt. Stan Prestwood - 1966 - 1968
Sp5. Wayne Turner
- 1964 - 1970
1st LT. Jim Batson
- 1967 - 1971
LtCol. Larry Champion - 1963 - 2002 (act.
& reserve)
Sp5 Frank "Butch" Hamill - 1964 - 1970 (act. & reserve)
Cpl Jerry Barker
- 1966 - 1968
Cpl Gilbert Brown
- 1966 - 1968 Cpl Wayne Turner

Anchors Aweigh

United States Navy |
Gaines Mathis - Retired from USN

Wild Blue Yonder

United States Air Force |
Air Force 1961 - 1965 |

Richard Gibson |
Air Force 1967 - 1978 |

Captain Claude Bowie |
Air Force 1966 - 1987 |

Lt. Col. Nick Nixon |
Air Force 1963 - 1969 |

A1C Mickey E. Bowman |
LtCol Nick Nixon - 1966 - 1987
Richard Gibson - 1961 - 1965
Winston McCarty - 1961 - 1965
Larry Clift
- 1962 - 1965
Claude Bowie - 1967 - 1978
Capt. Don Baker - 1967 - 1972
A1C Mickey Bowman
Wayne Tipps

Semper Fi |

The United States Marine Corps |
Ted Ledford USMC 1961 - 1965 |

Camp Geiger December 1961 |
Larry Blanks USMC 1962 - 1966 |

Parris Island, SC February 1962 |
LCpl Ted Ledford - 1961 - 1965
1st Lt Jack Hobbs - 1966 - 1969
Cpl Larry Blanks - 1962 - 1966
Capt Lee Coulter - 1966 - 1970
Howard Cotter
Winfred "Fred" Clark

United States Coast Guard |
